Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Um, excuse me please.

I've mentioned that I'm doing my Second Attempt at the 30 Day Shred and well, excuse me? I weighed myself Monday morning at home, then just for nothing I stepped on the scale I have down here at school last night and apparently I'd gained 4 pounds. How the hell? Jillian Michaels, you are on my list! I do realize that there is probably a bit of difference between the two which I will figure out this weekend, but 4 pounds! THEN, I was a tad irritated this morning so stepped on again and it said I had magically lost 3.2 of those 4 pounds overnight. Yeah, I'm not buying it either.

It's a fairly new scale for heavens sake! I've only had it for a year and a half and put a new battery in it two weeks ago.

So what would you do? Just forget about the scale and meausre any weight loss by how my clothes fit? I do like that idea, but at the same time I like numbers. Seeing them go down that is!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Second Attempt

I am restarting Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred. It is my second attempt. The last time I began I went two days, skipped a day, and then that led to just plain stopping. So, I'm starting again. Day 1 of the Second Attempt was yesterday and to be honest I was quite surprised at myself. I had only done it for two days in during the First Attempt and was dying afterwords for the remainder of the week, but today am not sore at all. Another surprise: I was able to do 5 push ups. I know, that's nothing, but I have never been able to do them. My inspiration is this:

(Picture from Victoria's Secret website.)
I am going to fit my damn ass into a bikini come hell or high water. There are also a few other things I plan to fit into by the time we leave for Hawaii, if you know what I mean. I have 3.5 months. It's possible, right? I mean, if reality all I need to do is lose 25-30 pounds. That is totally do-able, even for me, in 3.5 months. Granted, I won't look quite like her, it is my goal to be able to wear it proudly on the beach and for Andrew to think I look damn good.
In addition to re-starting the Shred, I also got a belly dancing workout dvd from Barnes and Noble that I'm pretty excited about. So, I'm hoping that between Jillian kicking my ass, the belly dance workout and 1 mile on each the treadmill and bike 4-5 days a week and eating well that I should be able to get rid of some flab and become bikini ready. Keep your fingers crossed.
Do any of you have tips or suggestions for losing a good amount of weight fairly quickly?

Monday, February 23, 2009

19 months

Today is Andrew's and my 19 month anniversary. Is it weird that I still count months even though it's been more than a year? Hopefully not, because I really like to. I'm sure that Andrew is quite tired of me announcing "Baby, happy __ months!" Oh well, I'm sure he's used to it by now.

Anyways, yes, today is 19 months. And you know what? I think I love him a touch more each day. Not only is he my best friend and confidant, but I cannot picture my life without him anymore. I would be a complete and total mess.

This last month was celebrated our second Valentine's Day, although the first where we were on the same side of the country! It's was quiet and just us which was nice. We continute to plug away a little at a time for planning our trip to Hawaii. Otherwise, it's been all school, counting down until Fridays, and waiting for graduation. There were also a few visits, Andrew came to see me at school and I went up to his apartment one night. I really love these visits because it's so nice to see each other during the week.

There really aren't any words to describe how much I love him. He is my love, my friend and my most favorite person. I will love him always no matter what may happen between us.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

25 Things

This has been going around for a while now and I'm going to follow the leads of the lovely EmilyPie, the lovely Katie from La Petite Chic, the lovely Colleen from See Sherm Blog and lastly the lovely Carmen from Mom to the Screaming Masses.

So lets see, pretty much I'm just supposed to list 25 interesting or weird facts about myself. To be honest, by the time I get to the end of this it will probably be just the odd things I can come up with! If you'd like to play along just go ahead and come up with your own 25 things!

1. My middle name is Marie. I really don't like it at all.
2. I love to rearrange furniture. I actually just rearranged my room this afternoon.
3. I really enjoy cooking and trying new recipes.
4. Fortunately I have someone willing to try everything I make and tell me how good it is even though it may not be!
5. I have a wonderful boyfriend (see #4).
6. I love animals especially dogs and horses.
7. I got the gift I had been lusting after for over a year for Christmas last year.
8. The gift? A Nikon D60.
9. I am not too good with it yet, but got some books to learn from.
10. Sometimes I really wonder why I started a blog.
11. There are times that I have absolutely no idea what to write about and frequently doubt that anyone cares.
12. That being said, I still attempt to write and truly enjoy reading other people's posts.
13. I'm attempting to do Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.
14. Andrew and I are planning a trip to Hawaii in June!
15. I am graduating from college on May 9th with a degree in Business Administration.
16. I'm a little worried about finding a job in this economy. Okay, worried quite a bit.
17. Andrew and I hope to buy a house soon. I'm super excited about that!
18. I'm in the process of training my very own filly. Guess she's not a filly anymore since she's almost 3.
19. I will turn 23 in 22 days. Crazy how time has flown by.
20. I have a goal to lose 25 pounds by the time we leave for Hawaii.
21. I've even gone so far as to get a bikini for motivation!
22. I love romance. Candles, music, all that stuff.
23. I love to read.
24. I am so incredibly excited to be Mrs. Andrew _____. July 23, 2011!
25. I am deliciously in love with him.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I like mail. The "real" kind. While e-mail is lovely I like the old fashioned letter-in-an-envelope kind. Both sending and receiving. Because of this, I tend to send Andrew quite a few cards and packages. Yes, I know that we are only 65 miles apart and see each other every weekend, but it's something I like to do and it's fun for him too. Generally he gets an item a week.

I kind of figured that, you know, since I am always sending him something that he'd take the hint and pick up a card to send me. Ahem. Now I do realize that he is busy with school and doesn't have a post office as accessible as I do, but come on. It takes what, 5 minutes to buy, write in and send a card? Right.

So, being the lovely girlfriend I am in the envelope I sent him a few weeks ago were two 99 cent cards, stamps attached. Too obvious? Well, that's me.

I was waiting patienty for something, anything to show up in my mailbox and finally last Friday when I checked as I was rushing out to go to class there it was. A card!

He was very cute about it, too. As a joke he had written Mrs. Dianna (his last name with a line through it) (my last name). Just that totally made my day. His message inside topped it all off and had me smiling for quite a while.

Even though he isn't overly good with this kind of thing, I know he's working on it and I so appreciate it. I love just the small things. Well, the big things, too. But it's the little things that show that he took an extra minute and was thinking about me that I really treasure.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What do you think?

Do you like the changes? Can you even see a difference?!

I was getting a little tired of the pink which seemed to be a little girl blog and wanted something a little more grown up and that would make me want to post and have people see my blog. What a concept!

I really like the clean look of this, but had to add some color just so it didn't look too bland.

I hope everyone likes the changes. There may be some more coming!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Just Around the Corner

I've been counting down to Valentine's Day for the last 4 weeks. Every Saturday morning I've thought to myself 4 more weeks...3 more weeks and so on. Now it's down to 3 more days. I

I love V-Day. Even before Andrew and I were together I always liked it. And not just because it was a good standbetween for Christmas and my birthday, but just because people are usually happy and wearing pink.

This year, Andrew and I will actually be able to be together (last year he flew off to Daytona Beach for the races, but did send flowers) so that will be a nice change. I don't have a clue as to what we are going to do. He has some sort of plan and won't even give me any hints! I am excited about it though. I'm always on his case to plan something more than 5 minutes in advance so I guess I can't complain when he won't give me any ideas.

We both agreed this year, since we're saving for Hawaii in June, that we weren't going to spend more than $20 on each other. I'm pretty close to that budget, just a few dollars over, and am very excited to give him his gifts! Yes, gifts. It's a 3 part thing!

I think that he reads here occasionally, so I won't be saying what they are until Monday after V-Day and then I'll get to fill you in on what he did for me! I can tell you that one of the 3 parts is something homemade and I think really neat. I may just have to take my chances on Friday and post a few pictures. I'm going to finish it this afternoon!

I do want to know though what your plans are if you're doing anything for your someone. If so, what?!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


And the winner of the $10 Starbucks giftcard is Carmen of Mom to the Screaming Masses!

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, but I was a tad swamped!

It's currently snowing away here in the beautiful Pacific North West and hasn't stopped for about the last six hours. Unfortunately it didn't start early enough to cancel a class or two...bummer!

Anyways, congratulations to Carmen! And thanks to all 4 of you who entered by leaving a comment. There will be another drawing at post 150 for some sort of prize. Leave a comment between now and then. It's easy!

Friday, February 6, 2009

LAST CHANCE TO ENTER and a congratulations!

Post 99: Drawing at post 100 open to anyone who leaves a comment with a valid email address (only so I can email you if you win) for a $10 Starbucks giftcard.

It's Friday!

Do you have any big (or small) plans for the weekend? Mine? Writing a case analysis. Oh boy!

Yesterday I mentioned Jennie from She Like Purple who was having her baby. He's here! I was wating anxiously all day and last night there was a Twitter post that baby Kyle had arrived!

Jennie, Mike and Molly: I am so happy for you. Welcome to the world, Kyle. Your parents are already in love with you, of that I am sure.

REMEMBER: Last chance to enter the giveaway. All you have to do is leave a comment. To be honest, there are only 4 entries so your chances are pretty good!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Post 98: Drawing at post 100 open to anyone who leaves a comment with a valid email address (only so I can email you if you win) for a $10 Starbucks giftcard.

Forgive me for the not-so-much content today, but all I can think about is that Jennie from She Likes Purple is having her baby boy today.

Wishing her the best of luck as she, her husband and lovely Molly dog begin this new chapter.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

30 Day Shread and 3 more chances to enter the GIVEAWAY!

Post 97: Drawing at post 100 open to anyone who leaves a comment with a valid email address (only so I can email you if you win) for a $10 Starbucks giftcard.

I said yesterday that I would talk about Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shread. I really like her on the Biggest Loser and I now know that's only because she's not training me! My gosh, she is tough.

Yesterday was my second day and I really didn't think I'd be able to do it. Finally at 9 o'clock last night I decided I couldn't slack off and did the program. Holy hell am I sore this morning. I thought yesterday morning was but, it's worse today!

I'm not complaining too much though, I just want to see results. I do realize that I'm going to have to eat better and I am so hopefully that will help, too. I've been reading a lot of the reviews on and they are pretty mixed. Some say that they've gained weight, some have lost, etc. I tend to think that those who have gained are just doing this 20 minute workout and eating the same and probably not doing anything in addition. I am hoping though that when people have said after 4 to 5 days it stops hurting! I swear my legs are about to fall off. The girl is all about squats and jumping, jumping, jumping.

Have any of you used this program? Did you stick with it? Did it work?

I'll post updates throughout the 30 days and we'll see what happens!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Post 96: Drawing at post 100 open to anyone who leaves a comment with a valid email address (only so I can email you if you win) for a $10 Starbucks giftcard.

Good Morning! One of the blogs I always read is So the Fish Said written by Beth. Her blog is written well and generally very funny and quite honestly I get a kick out of reading about her days with her kids. Today when her post came up on my reader I opened it and was surprised to find a meme of sorts. Yesterday she said that the first 10 people who commented on her post would be sent interview questions. Since there were way over 10 by the time I read, I didn't comment. So today she took pity on all of us who came after the first 10 posts and posted questions for everyone.

So, as she directed, I'm posting the rules:

The rules:
1. Leave me a comment saying you want to be interviewed. (I'll take the first ten or so.)
2. I'll email you five questions of my choosing.
3. You update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. They will answer these questions. If they don't, you can post naked pictures of them on the internet. (I can help with the Photoshopping.)

Here are the questions and my answers:

1. Remember the movie Brewster's Millions? That happens to you, except on a smaller scale. You receive a million dollars that you must spend in 30 days. However, you cannot have any assets to show for the money at the end of the month (and you can't buy something and then destroy it), you cannot waste the money, you cannot give it away, and you cannot tell anyone what you are doing. How do you ditch the dough in a month or less?
I've actually never seen it, or heard it to be honest. Am I missing something good? Should I rent it?

2. You are locked in a toy store overnight, with no way out until it reopens in the morning. What do you play with all night?
Hmmm, I'd probably start with the play dough. It's just fun to play with! Then move on to anything big and electric, you know like the ride in jeeps or something like that. Not that I'd be able to fit in it, but you know. Let's see, after that maybe some of the video game things. Are there even video games in a toy store? I haven't been in one in years. I actually can't remember that last time.

3. If you could have a dinner party with any three famous people, living or dead, you would be wasting your supernatural powers on hosting dinner parties. What would you do instead?
First, I'll have to pick the people. Let's see...I think I'm going to go with just some famous everyday people: Jennifer Aniston, Jillian Michaels and George Strait. Why these people? Jennifer Aniston because I absolutely adore her and she's my favorite actress. Jillian Michaels because I started the 30 Day Shread yesterday (I'll talk about it tomorrow) and she's kicking my ass. George Strait because my mom loves him and I know she would just die if she was able to meet him.

4. What's the best thing since sliced bread? Now, sliced bread ain't all that impressive, so what's the best mediocre, hum-drum improvement or advancement that has made modern life just ever so slightly more convenient for humanity, along the lines of saving yourself five seconds every time you want a piece of bread.
I'm going to go techy on you: my blackberry. I love it. I love being able to get my email RIGHTNOW rather than waiting until I'm back at my computer. I love being able to send Andrew an email right when I want. I love having the games for something to do when I'm waiting for class, stuck in traffic and all that. It's just so convenient!

5. What's your best quality? The response to this question must be a simple declarative statement. You may elaborate on that statement, provided that your elaboration does not include the words "but," "however," or "although," or any other hedging, equivocating, back-sliding, gerrymandering (which is not at all appropriate in this context, but I think it should be, don't you?) or any other type of backing down from the simple declarative statement with which you began your response.
Gosh, my best quality. Without any backtracking? Sheesh. I don't know. I guess just being genuinely thoughtful. I enjoy doing things for people to make them happy or help them out. For instance, when it's Andrew's finals week, I send him a big padded envelope full of things to wish him luck: lucky boxers to wear on the day of his most difficult exam, some chocolate, a bag of sour patch kids (his favorite candy), a card, some powdered straws to put in his water to give them some flavor, and a few other miscellaneous things. I usually send him a card every week or so up at school, just to give him something to smile about that day. And if we'd done anything recently and I'd had pictures printed I include some of those. I just like to do special things for people when I know they need and appreciate them.

Okay, you're turn...leave me a comment (first you'll be put into the drawing and second you'll get some questions!).

Monday, February 2, 2009

Weekend Re-Cap & Don't forget to enter the GIVEAWAY

Post 95: Drawing at post 100 open to anyone who leaves a comment with a valid email address (only so I can email you if you win) for a $10 Starbucks giftcard.

Happy Monday! The weekend went by pretty fast, didn't it? Then again, I guess it always does. I really didn't do much mostly because Andrew left Saturday morning to spend his weekend in the library studying for exams this week.

We were able to make our flight reservations for Hawaii(!) and look at some more thing we're interested in doing. Thank you to the anonymous commenter who suggested going out to see the wild dolphins rather than the ones at Sea Life Park, but I'm pretty set on actually interacting with them and being able to do the foot push and all that. We might still go out as you suggested depending on the cost of the other activities we have planned.

I'll be talking about our trip more as it gets closer and will be asking for any suggestions from those who have been to or live on Oahu. I've only been there once before and Andrew not at all, so we have some ideas, but any from people more experienced with the area would be great.

Hope everyone has a great week and don't forget to enter the giveaway!