Friday, December 26, 2008

The Day After and Question of the Week

Merry Day After Christmas!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and were able to spend it with family and friends. Our Christmas was very nice, a bit hectic in the morning, but overall very nice. I will post more details and photos (with my incredibly awesome Christmas gift) soon.

My quest of always wanting a white Christmas came true this year and I am now ready for it to go far, far away. We have almost two feet and it's just time for it to take a hike.

I know I'm posting late and that for most people it's already Saturday, but alas, here is the Friday question: If you were fortunate to be able to give and receive gifts this year what was your most favorite item you received, and inturn, the most favorite you gave? I know many people, including us, are going through hard times right now and gifts weren't anyone's first priorities this year, but I hope everyone will be able to answer this question in some way.

So, Merry Christmas to all and I will have photos and details posted tomorrow! Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

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