Friday, October 31, 2008
Question of the Week!
This week's question is:
Are you going to dress up? Or, if you're not, what are your kids going to be?
I'm not dressing up this year. I do have black nails today though and am going to try to glue on some fake eyelashes so we'll see how that goes. Nothing too exciting really.
Hope you all have a happy and safe Halloween!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Food Wednesday
Okay, so here's a recipe that really doesn't have a name. It's really just kind of a chicken and rice casserole, so name it what you'd like!
You will need:
Chicken Breasts
Minute Rice
Can Cream of Mushroom soup
Can Cream of Celery soup
White wine
Baking Pan
-To begin, grill the chicken. The quantity is up to you. When the chicken is finished and has cool a bit, cut it into pieces. Size is up to you.
-Next, prepare the minute rice. How much you make depends on how much chicken you used. We had 9 breasts and I used 5 uncooked cups of rice which was plently for 5 people and leftovers.
-While the rice is cooking, wisk together in a large bowl the soups and wine. The recipe calls to have you fill each soup container with wine. I prefer less of a "wine" taste so only use one soup can full and then add a little milk to get a more fluid consistancy.
-When the rice is done begin to pour it into the pan you will be baking in. Then place the chicken breasts into the rice. Finally, pour the soup and wine mixture over the contents of the pan.
-Place in a 3oo degree oven until ready to serve.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Pumpkin Carving!

Third, figure out what you want your carving to look like and get the appropriate utensils. This is the stencil I chose.

Fourth, cut the top off your pumpkin.

Monday, October 27, 2008
Weekend Re-Cap...With Lots of Pictures!!!

Here we are in the maze...and still smiling! It was getting pretty long towards the end!

Andrew getting a punch at the second stop.

Me too!

Picking our pumpkins!

Oreo and I posing.
This is the lone maple tree in the pasture. I just thought this would be a pretty picture.
So, this was out weekend, at least what I thought were the highlights!
Check back tomorrow for a post about how to 'properly' clean and carve your pumpkin!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Just, sigh (in a good way)!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Food Wednesday!
This dish is called Campfire Chicken, stollen from a restuarant, but made better!
You will need:
Boneless, skinless chicken breasts
Bacon (I use the microwaveable stuff to save time)
BBQ sauce
Grated Cheese (I like a sharp cheddar, but it's up to you)
A few green onions, diced
To begin, cook the chicken however you prefer. Personally, for this dish I like to steam it on the stove rather than grill it so it stays moist.
When it's finished drizzle a few lines of bbq sauce over the top and then break a piece of bacon into thirds and place into the bbq sauce so it won't slide off.
When the bacon is in place, top with the grated cheese then place the diced green onions, scallions whatever you'd like to call them, on top.
Place under the broiler for a minute or two until the cheese melts.
Serve with a side dish, usually Rice-A-Roni for us, and a vegetable and you have a simple and easy meal!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Manicure, anyone?
1. Never push back dry cuticles. Doing so can crack polish at the base, which leads to chipping, says New York City celebrity nail pro Deborah Lippmann, who offers tips like this in her master class, held at upscale department stores. But if you're about to change your polish, you don't want any cuticle skin on the nail's surface (it can interfere with your base coat) — so loosen ragged edges by rubbing in a softening cream. (Try Sally Hansen Nourishing Cuticle Remover Multi-Vitamin Creme.) Then gently nudge cuticles back with an orangewood stick.
2. Don't soak fingertips. There's no real reason to do so (at salons, it's just part of the pampering), and, says Tom Bachick, executive vice president of the Young Nails Company, it can actually have a negative effect: When you soak your nails, they absorb water, which temporarily puffs them up — but they revert to their normal shape when the water evaporates. This expansion and contraction is the top cause of chipping, peeling, and cracking of polish, says Bachick
3. Get the surface clean, clean, clean. Any traces of moisture, dust, or leftover enamel will get in the way of new-polish adhesion. To pave the way for true staying power, drizzle an old toothbrush with hand soap; then use it to "get into the corners and under nail tips, where oil — the great enemy — may be hiding," suggests Jan Arnold, cofounder of Creative Nail Design. (Steer clear of lanolin-based soaps, which interfere with adhesion.) Then swipe on an acetone polish remover to temporarily dehydrate the nail plate. (Try Cutex Essential Care Advanced Nail Polish Remover.)
4. Shape up. "To maximize nail strength, tips should be rounded and corners left somewhat square," says Robyn Gmyrek, M.D., an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Columbia University, in New York City. Filing is healthier than clipping, which can crack the nail plate. Use a fine-grit nail file (try La Cross Professional Salon Board) and work in one direction. "Filing back and forth with an abrasive board will cause the nail's delicate keratin layers to peel away from each other," says Elsbeth Schuetz, international educator for Orly.
5. Apply a base coat (no, it's not just a marketing ploy). Not only does a bottom layer give lacquer something to latch on to, says chemist Doug Schoon, vice president of research and development for Creative Nail Design, but studies show that a base coat sticks to nails better than polish does. For uneven nail surfaces, choose a base that also smooths out roughness. (Try Lippmann Ridge Filler.)
6. Once lacquer is on, seal it with a slow-setting topcoat. Quick-dry kinds are certainly appealing, but they evaporate so fast, they leave polish soft, mushy, and prone to denting. A slower-acting topcoat leaves a harder, more protective finish. (Try OPI High Gloss Protection Top Coat.) To speed things up without sacrificing protection, use a drying oil or spray over your topcoat. (Try Essie Quick-e Drying Drops.)
7. Make the most of metallics. Sure, light shades make chips less noticeable, but you can get an extra couple of days' wear from a metallic polish, says Schoon. One theory on why this works: Small iridescent flecks thicken enamel, so it forms a stronger film as it dries — allowing it to outlast creamy opaques (whose high pigment content can block adhesion).
8. Or try Revlon's ColorStay Always On Nail Enamel. This two-step system — which consists of polish and a protective sealant and doesn't require a base coat — promises to resist chips for up to ten days. The Good Housekeeping Research Institute put it to the test while moving office buildings (talk about active conditions). Despite a few complaints about surface scratches, nearly all of the panelists agreed that it was the longest-lasting polish they had ever tried (50 percent got ten days of wear; one person, 14 days). As one tester put it, "This product has revolutionized the nail polish industry."
9. Polish should be applied in three narrow, even strokes — one down the center and one down each side — and then be allowed to dry for two minutes before a second coat is applied. The thicker the layer is, the more difficult it is for the solvent — the liquid agent in enamel — to evaporate, boosting the chances that polish will peel.
10. Practice good maintenance. "Everything you touch wears away your polish," says Lippmann. Every other day, apply a layer of quick-dry topcoat (it's OK to use on already-dry polish) to form a protective shield and increase shine. (Try Orly Sec 'n Dry.)
11. Give your polish a drink. The more your enamel dries out, the greater the likelihood that it will separate from your nail. Since topcoats don't seal in hydration, apply oil to nails and cuticles before bedtime, and slather on a thick hand cream twice a day. (Try Barielle Therapy Natural Nail Nourishment Nail & Cuticle Conditioner and Jessica Smoothies Ultimate Hydration in Grapefruit.)
Simple Tricks to Sexier Hands
Did your genes stick you with what one Seinfeld episode called "man hands"? Here, three ways to fake long and slender.
1. Color.Pastel polish shades (think lavender) slim down chubby fingers, says Josephine Allen, owner of Josephine's Day Spa in New York City.
2. Shape.Overly blunt or square edges make nails look shorter. Round or oval shapes create the illusion of length, says Allen.
3. Style.Because it accentuates nail tips, a French manicure visually extends your fingers, says OPI Artistic Director Suzi Weiss-Fischmann. But the "backward" French — in which the coordinating color is painted on your moon — can make short fingers look stubbier.
I must say that I am, according to this, a horrible manicure keeper!
Lick to original post:>1=32002
Monday, October 20, 2008
Weekend Re-Cap

Hope you all had a great weekend too!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Question of the week!
This week is a question:
Do you decorate for Halloween?
I do! I've actually had decorations up for a few weeks. I've been meaning to post pictures of everything I got (mostly from the dollar store!), but keep forgetting. I will be sure to do so next week.
Have a lovely weekend!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Going to be in California?

They both have some amazing photography skills and I'm sure their displays are going to be amazing! I so, so wish I could attend, but living in Washinton it makes it a little difficult!
Surface Gallery
1703 20th Street
Bakersfield, CA 93301
November 7th, 5-9pm
Sick, oh my gosh sick
Have you ever had that feeling when your stomach isn't feeling well and you don't know which end things want to come out? Well, that was it. One minute one thing, the next the other.
Oh my gosh it was horrible. Makes you re-think anything you want to eat after you've seen it in reverse.
Anyways, now that I've shared probably way too much information that you didn't want to know, I'm going to head to class.
Hope you all have a good day and that I'm finished with this stomach business.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Food Wednesday
The first item I'm featuring are Idahoan Instant Mashed Potatoes. I have always been a stickler for must-be-homemade mashed potatoes. These are very close to the real deal. The one's I'm making today are the Loaded Baked Potatoe flavor and they're quite good. I've also tried the Baby Reds and the Garlic Mashed. I think so far the Baby Reds are my favorites.
To begin, buy the product! They're very reasonably priced, $1.75 for a package which could probably serve 3 people.
Next, get a measuring cup and add 2 cups of water to a bowl. I think it's pretty obvious from the last time I made these that my measuring cup isn't totally microwave safe, but I used it again since it's already ruined.
Now, pour the contents of the package into the water and still until well incorporated.
Microwave for 4 minutes and this is what you'll end up with:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
As promised in the video I'm including the link to Ashley's blog: Clever Blog Name Here.
Good Grief
I don't know if it's my computer or what, but it was taking 10 minutes to upload just 5% of the video and it was onlt a minute long! Is that normal?
Soooo...I'm trying to upload to YouTube and then figure out how to transfer that to here. This is becoming a long process! I've spent about an hour and a half just trying to upload one video.
Do any of you have any tips you'd like to share to make the process a little easier?!
Hopefully you may see it here shortly!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Weekend Re-Cap
Friday evening Andrew's aunt and uncle came by (they live close to us) and we started the stump pile. (I can't seem to get any pictures to post. I'll try tomorrow from the computer lab!)
Saturday we slept in and Andrew worked on his accounting project and honestly, I can't remember what I did. Later in the afternoon my grandparents came over to watch the NASCAR race and we had dinner together. Green noodles (noodles with a pesto sauce), london broil steak and green salad which was delicious, followed by apple crisp and vanilla ice cream. I stuffed myself beyond reason, not good!
Sunday we both worked on homework and that was about it.
Nothing too terribly exciting, but good enough.
Hope you all had a good weekend. I'll try to get some pictures posted tomorrow.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Mixed Emotions
For the last few weekends my wonderful boyfriend has been staying thru Sunday night and we leave together Monday morning. He hasn't been doing this very long, but I've grown to like it quite a bit.
This weekend, however, was different. I expected him to leave this morning to go visit his father, but when we stayed for breakfast then stayed throughout the afternoon I assumed, wrongly, that he was going to stay until tomorrow morning.
We mentined going to a movie which I vetoed because I'm weird about Sunday afternoon/evenings and like to be preparred for Mondays although I already was. I had asked him if he was planning on going to his father's and he said no, not really planning much on it so I figured he was going to stay.
A little later when he said he was going back up to his apartment tonight I was kind of crushed. I mean, true, neither of us had slept well the last few nights and a good night's sleep would be good, but I wasn't expecting that at all.
So, what did I do? I told him he may as well go now. And he did. I was completely horrible and refused to hug him or anything. Why? I don't know. I guess I do know a bit, because if he had stayed all I would have thought about is he has to leave soon. So part of me said fine, go and the other part of me said no, please come back and just hold me. Please.
With tears in my eyes watching him leave, I was trying to telepathically tell him to please come back. I wanted to hug him tight and still do. NOW. I keep thinking, what if something happens between now and Saturday when I get to see him? What if I can't hug him again? What the hell is wrong with me that I do this?
I know that he reads here occasionally, and Andrew, baby if you do read this, know that I love you and can't wait to hug you. I am so, so sorry I told you to just go. I never mean it when I say it.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Um, yeah.
Any ideas, thoughts, comments, suggestions?
Any and all would be appreciated!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Breast Cancer Awareness Month