Showing posts with label school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label school. Show all posts

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Officially a College Graduate

I'm all done! The whole school thing? Over!
Here are some pictures from graduation on May 9th. I'll start from the top: My school, me in front avoiding putting on the cap, waiting in line for my name to be called, after receiving the diploma case*, after graduation with my parents, back at the party with my grandparents who funded the whole school ordeal, with my uncle who played bartender for the party, with Andrew's aunt and uncle who initially introduced us 5 years ago, a picture Andrew took of me, me with both Andrew and his twin brother**, just Andrew and I, me apparently not knowing what to open next after most everyone had gone, the cake with raspberry filling(!), a shot of my leis and lastly them hanging.
The weather was gorgeous and I am so, so glad we had the party that day as it was the only sunny day of the week. Lots of people were able to come and I think everyone had a good time. So, I am now officially a college graduate. Scary! My major is business administration with an economics minor and a management concentration. I'm on the search for a job now so keep your fingers crossed about that!
I must say though, the gown did me no justice at all. I really am not as huge as it makes me look! Sorry I haven't posted lately, but I was really overwhelmed at the thought of posting graduation photos without editing them, but oh well. You all are getting what I have ready now and that's about it! Hope all has been well with you!
*They'll mail be the actual thing soon.
**They really are twins, I promise. Just look nothing alike.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Our Night on the Town

So my school put in this cruise around Elliot Bay here in Seattle last Thursday and Andrew and I decided to go. We had our whole little plan, because I like plans, laid out that we'd get there early and have dinner at Red Robin since it was at the same Pier. We finally found a parking spot, had cheeseburgers with a fried egg on top (it sounds gross, but my gosh is it delicious) and waited a few minutes to be able to board the boat.
The bus that was bringing everyone up from campus was late so we walked around on the boat and look a few pictures for a little while. Right next to this Pier is a pretty busy ferry terminal and as you can imagine when a ferry comes in or out is creates a good size wake which in turn causes our boat to rock, rock, rock. And not in a good sense. After about 10 minutes of that on top of a cheeseburger my stomach was churning and I really didn't think I would be able to make it on the 3 hour cruise (is anyone else thinking of Gilligan?) without getting sick. We got off and walked down to the next Pier right as the buses were pulling up.
So, instead of sitting on the boat for 3 hours we walked around the Piers, got some ice cream and of course I took some photos. I was kicking myself the entire time for not bringing my good camera because I hadn't wanted to pack it around all evening and really, how many pictures can you take when you're confined on a boat? Keep in mind it didn't actually take off until it was just about dark.
As you can see from the photos we had a lot of fun. More really, than I think we would have on the cruise. We watched it pull away and there were a ton of people on board accompanied with loud music. Not either of our things. I've actually taken the hint from Sarah and Rachel that hey, pictures look better when they're edited a bit so I played around with some of these to get a different look.
The first one is the only one I liked from the boat. The wind was blowing just right and I loved how it looked especially using a bit of antiquing. The majority of the others are from walking around the Piers. You'll notice the one of a bunch of buildings though. Where the arrow is pointed is where Andrew decided we should move when we're 65 or so. It would have a spectacular view. And then there's the Space Needle. That was taken with my hand out the window going down the freeway at 60 so I don't think it turned out to bad. I did a couple things with it to make it look older which I kind of like.
We realized as we were walking around how little of the city we take advantage of. We really do live in a stunning place and we rarely take time to appreciate it. Neither of us have been to the Seattle Aquarium in years and walked right past it on the walk to the boat. It is an amazing place and we are going to go sometime soon. There is so much to see and do just on a little 5 block stretch of waterfront it's insane. Our next step is to actually put it to use!
Also, as a side note, there's a new post on my photography blog. And, another side note, today in about an hour and a half is my most difficuly final. I am pretty sure I have it all under control and am feeling confident about it, but I am sure I could use any extra luck anyone has to send this way!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I am still here....

I promise. Even if it's looked a little sketchy around here for a while.

I've been quite busy with all the Twilight reading and what not. I actually powered through that book quickly and went through withdrawls when I didn't get the second one, New Moon, until 2 days after I'd finished it. New Moon was completed in three days. Yes, it's that good. I'm now working on the third one, at a much slower pace this time. Is it not as good, you may ask? Well, no, it's very good actually. I've refrained myself to only reading one chapter at a time though. I know, crazy.

But, I've actually had other things on my priority list. Just small things like write a paper on Canada's healthcare system, write a paper on the cons of the automakers big 3 producing internationally, write a paper on the regressions between the closing price of the NASDAQ and crude oil prices (yes, there is a correlation) and create and present and presentation (today) on that topic.

Oh, and on top of that, the last math exam of the term Monday. Not the final, oh no, that's this coming Monday. And wait, I also had my global economics final this morning. And still, there's more: Tuesday - take home music quiz due, Wednesday - puclic finance final exam, Thursday - econometrics exam, Friday - breathe.

So that's why you haven't heard much from me, nor has the book that's been mocking the work I've been doing and calling my name, and my not until next Thursday. I'll try though, really I will!

Hope you are all having a terrific week!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Missing Him

Sunday evening was one of the most difficult time periods of my life.

My mom, Andrew and I packed up all my stuff and off we went down to school. I really didn't want Andrew to come because I knew it was going to break my heart into pieces to watch them drive away. He, of course, insisted that he needed to come to help me carry all of my heavy things into my room (which I really appreciated as it was pouring down rain and I have some heavy stuff).

We got down here and got most everything situated then went out to get some dinner. When we were finished we went over so I could get some food for the week then came back to school. My mom stayed in the car and Andrew helped me take my stuff up (he got to carry the case of water, isn't he a lucky guy?).

Then it was that time. The time that is making my have tears in my eyes just writing about it. He had to leave. It was the moment I'd been dreading all summer. I held onto him and cried. And I am not a crier. What else could I do? I'd been somewhat prepared for it, but my gosh, it killed me. I felt physically ill, like I was going to throw up watching them leave.

The rest of the night was horrible. As was yesterday evening which is why I couldn't post much for the last few days. Sunday night was absolutely miserable, we hadn't slept apart in months and that was so strange for me and from what he said that night, him too.

Classes at least took my mind off of everything for a little while, but as soon as I was back in my room alone a had that sick feeling again. The one that says "this is going to take a while, but you can do it". It's a little better today, mostly because we talked for almost an hour last night and again this morning, but it's still so hard.

I've gotten so accustomed to our routine: We get up, he gets ready while I make his lunch, he goes to work, I get ready and go to work myself, we email a bit throughout the day, we meet up at home, do something outside until it's dark, make dinner, watch some tv and go to bed. Together.

This is just ripping me apart this year. Last year was difficult on the first night when they left after moving in, but after that I was fine. I am so thankful for email and cell phones I can't even begin to describe it.

I guess I didn't realize how attached to him I really am. I have always known that I love him, but I wasn't expecting this wave of emotion to hit me like a freight train.

I miss him desperately, I love him deeply and Friday seems like it's eons away. Like he said in an email, the countdowns to Friday have begun. 3 days, 8 hours and counting.