- The job I had last July, got laid off after 6 weeks
- It was fine with me as I wasn't liking it at all although really sucked that I had to start the job search again
- Between July and October I pretty much hunted for a job so there wasn't a whole lot of good news to report to you for those months
- July and August were two of the hottest months the Seattle area had seen in years - think 100 in Seattle for consecutive days - not cool, no pun intended, well maybe a little
- FINALLY, after almost three months without work I got a job
- Last Wednesday marked 8 months
- I now am the office manager at a marketing/printing company in downtown Seattle
- Liking it a lot - the people are great and the actual job isn't bad
- Christmas came, Christmas went
- Welcome, 2010
- Andrew and I spent our Valentine's Day watching the Daytona 500
- That is not happening again
- Turned 24 in March
- Am getting old
- Around then Andrew and I were looking at houses and found one we really liked, I was hooked and wanted it so badly, it was lovely
- Fast forward a few days and one of us changes our mind about buying a house
- Pretty sure you can guess it wasn't me
- March 31st, we sign a 1 year lease at an "estate" apartment/townhouse complex
- 9.5 months to go
- April 28, we get Diego
- More to come on him soon
- Memorial Day Weekend, we go to Las Vegas
- Only lose $20 - not too shabby
So. There's the bullet edition of the last 11 months. How exciting. More detail to come on most topics soon! I know you are all, wait, is anyone actually still reading this?, on the edge of your seats!
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