We went to the Mariner's game versus the Rangers last Tuesday. (I know, I haven't been able to upload pictures correctly until a few days ago and I forgot about this...!)
Safeco Field is gorgeous. Any seat in the place is great. The tickets I got though were better than I expected. I purchased them at an auction (and got a steal on them) and thought they were higher up but it turned out they were on the 3rd base line 6 rows up from the field. Not too bad!
So here are some of the pictures:

In the stadium.

Jose Lopez at bat.

Ichiro crossing home plate.

My signature self portrait! He looks thrilled to have to do another one, doesn't he?!

Andrew messing around with the camera since the Rangers had a 3 or 4 run lead.

Andrew's new favorite beer: Miller Chill...$7.50 for a beer...crazy!

Who is that handsome man sitting beside me?!

And here's an example of me being bored with the camera...seats!
The game was good, the seats were great, the garlic fries were delicious! (Sleeping next to someone who ate every last piece of garlic, however was a little less than delicious!)
Oooh, the Miller Chill? My beer of choice now too!